First, I would like to conclude the current vehicular breakdown matter we were dealing with before I post some of the pictures from our alpine meadow adventure.
.... I would like to, however the resolve is still a couple days away. The problem has been diagnosed as the fuel pump. This is a fairly common matter in the 2003 Rams as the fuel pump was put inside the tank, and apparently can cause grief. So it would seem.
So I left the matter in the last post, as having the truck safely towed to Frank, then we were picked up by the friend in whose yard we were planning to park. The continuance is as such:
The shop was closed and so we delivered the key in the morning and they tended to diagnostics right away. They phoned around, and were told that there was one available in Claresholm. They called us to tell us, and to request that if possible, time could be saved if we went to pick it up as delivery was not likely until after the weekend otherwise.
We went to the shop that was holding it for us, then doubled back (in our friend's vehicle of course) to drop the part to the mechanics. To our chagrin, they sent us home with the wrong part. We are having the cost refunded, and they are working out between themselves how to deal with the return. In the meantime, no other was able to be tracked down, and I still had to work Saturday on night audit. We eventually managed to arrange for Ken's Three Hills daughter to come down to pick us up that same night in order to be back in time. - Thanks bunches, gal!! :-)
She arrived and we were able to leave Bellevue around 9 pm Friday night, getting back to Three Hills by 1 am. Ken's daughter had to work the 3 - 11 on Saturday, preceding my 11 - 7 shift. I will now be on for 3 shifts, then on Wednesday afternoon, we should be able to pick up the truck and accessories that we left in Bellevue before returning in time for my 11 - 7 shift on Thursday.
Stuffed somewhere in the middle is Midnight getting a long overdue dental review and treatment as well as what is likely to be his first shots since he left the kennel at which he was bred. The dental procedures alone should improve the air quality in Three Hills by several point levels :-)
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for:
The photographic journey through the silver mining ghost town of Sandon, BC and the alpine meadows of Idaho Peak, BC nearby. (You have been waiting, haven't you??)

Just down stream of Sandon, at the bridge crossing, & remnant buildings up stream
Some of the old trucks and buses at the down stream end of town, & the old powerhouse up stream
More old buildings in town. The right picture is of an occupied building.
The front and back of the main building - the fire hall (front), and city hall (back)
Two more permanent vehicles of the eclectic look of Sandon
And of course, 2 buildings down stream & on the outskirts that makes a mining town qualify as a full fledged mining town: the mining operation (left) and the brothel (right)
A small taste of the twists and winds of Idaho Peak access road. Left shot has the unfortunate SUV with a flat
This one I thought came close to capturing the precariousness of the winding path glorified by the title of road - vehicles pass each other on that!!
Remnant of winter snow in August, & view across the peaks
Progression of the path - now only foot friendly, and still precarious to pass on
On the right, meadows at last!! :-)
My 2 people venturing along the path (left) On the right, a sign which lead me to a thought which one might mistake for an observation of the lack of feces in the vicinity.....
Trying to capture the true angular nature of the alpine meadows
More views and again trying to capture the sheerness of the slopes.
Close up shots of some of the flora, and on the left, I was pleased to find a miniscule example of the fauna (other than the ravenous mosquitoes!!) (I except that bugs probably don't truly qualify as fauna, but other than Midnight and a ground squirrel which I failed to capture, real furries were absent)
More flowers. I think the left is an indian paintbrush, but my wild flower knowledge is rather pathetic at best. As for the right, the best we could come up with was "Cousin It"
One more sample of flowers, and a shot of the earlier post's mentioned "throne with a view"
Believe it or not the miniscule bump on the highest point of the picture is actually a look-out point. It is actually a fairly big structure, but due to vertigo, we opted to not quite go that far. You will note that the path just prior to the final ascent is rather a razor's edge along the top.
This is the rest area I mentioned. The right shot is simply demonstrating the depth of snow still left on the ground
My camera wasn't fully awake, apparently, but in the center of the shot the brownish band is actually Sandon. We had already come halfway back down by this point.
New Denver, the Dome Quixote establishment I mentioned
Ah, now we are back on solid and level ground. My break is over, and I must bid you,