Frugal RVing In South States - Ebooks
Friday, October 30, 2009
Too Funny.... Vehicular Repair!

Settled In, In Yuma AZ
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Oatman AZ
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sand Storm and Other Details
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Landed For The Month
Making A Break For The Border
Oct 17, 2009
Well, we got a slow start out as we slept poorly until about an hour before dawn. We were up functionally by 10 am, and finished dumping and prep, getting us on the road by 11:30. We stopped briefly in Pincher Creek as we needed some items that aren’t that different in price than what Canada pays, and we wanted to postpone using the US travellers cheques.
We hit Lethbridge by 2pm, and crossed the slow but friendly border at Couttes at 3:12. We stopped briefly at Conrad as the fuel was down to 1/8th (wind and an nearly steady gentle incline ate fuel rather gluttonishly) and then continued down the I 15 to Great Falls, Montana where we bunked at the Flying J. We arrived around 5:50, but took some time fueling, adding some water to the holding tank, and then waited for a double parked tour bus from Alberta to get out of the RV designated spots. (Small vent of steam, and 20 minutes of running the engine waiting for the eminent departure, but I digress)
The spaces were tights, so we weren’t able to put out the slides, but the price was right. The weather again was beautiful, but as mentioned before, fairly windy.
Tomorrow, we anticipate get as far, perhaps, as Idaho Falls / Blackfoot, but time will tell. It is a bit exciting, and completely into the realm of the unknown.
I must prepare dinner in our scrunched in kitchen, so for now, I will bid you,
Snowed In
(More catch up...)
October 16, 09
We were snowed in on the 14th when we planned to leave Three Hills, but our travelling companions were faring now better in Brooks, so we all hunkered down where we were, and struck out the next day for our appointed destinations.
They went to Taber, then continued on to Milk River. We headed for Bellevue for our truck tweaks – new tires and a modification on the engine exhaust break to allow it to function more reliably.
The roads were clear, the weather was grand (at long last) and we made excellent time. We left at 12:30 as we wanted to ensure the roads were heated, and we had a series of good byes to attend. We arrived by 4:30 and dropped off Spirit at the tire shop so they could start on the tires first thing in the morning.
As always we had a great visit with our Bellevue friend, and then settled in for the evening.
We have, however encountered a significant alteration to the travel plans. Our Milk River rendez-vous was squashed by the ailing health of one of their family members. It went from them sitting on the border chomping at the bit to cross, but waiting for us, to them blazing off to Saskatchewan for an undefined duration.
We now have to go it alone, but we are boldly going forward.
In the meantime, the truck should have both alterations completed by the day’s end, and we are also using Smokey to go to Sparwood, BC to renew the bike’s insurance. (They aren’t switched to AB yet, and so need a BC renewal until we can find the location and currency to pay for the out of province inspections required to make them Albertan.
Hopefully, tomorrow we will be able to head East on Highway 3, South on Highway 4, and then head on across to I 15. My Mother has estimated that it might take us 6 days, so we might up the travel length. We are nonetheless, sticking to the day travel plan. We have our full time home with us, so we have no rush to get anywhere. We will take it easy and see where our travels take us.
It is somewhat exciting to take on the unknown. But with that, the errands call so I will bid you,
Adieu.Flash Back To Oliver
October 14, 2009
(I've been off line while traveling, and writing offline to keep up . We're back on and catching up)
The adventures of flashbacks are not so worthy of revisiting, but nonetheless, a major portion of today. The primary reminder was that especially in the sub zero climates, one must remember to keep the valves closed on the black/grey. We had diligently been tending the tanks, but the last flush forgot to reseal the valves.
Fortunately, the basement was kept sufficiently warm that no tank was endangered, however, the part of the sewer line that was outside the containment of the rig, and all the cheap blue sewer line was a solid block.
We managed to use a heat gun to free up the connectors, then a parabolic heater to soften the PVC style piping, and finally a couple hours later, we put some RV antifreeze down the black tank, and it finally freed the contents.
Did I mention how eager we are to get down south???
Oh the joys of an early start to winter in Alberta. I was told by many locals that it won’t last, and that nicer weather will return. I am happy for them to be sure, but will still be making a break for the border at next opportunity!!
And now, I bid you,